Turtles. It’s late. I’m tired. So, I asked my husband to give me a topic to write about. Any topic. He said, “Turtles.” Alright, brain-power dimmed, my bed inviting me, let’s see what happens…
Photo by David Troeger on Unsplash
On our honeymoon on Maui, I snorkeled with giant turtles just off of Black Rock Point, or something like that, near the Sheraton Hotel. The water was a brilliant blue and the large shelled creatures glided around me like spaceships in a weightless sky. They seemed so gentle, majestic. I thought about how old they are, evolving their shells and particular shape, so unique, millions of years ago.
I think my favorite cartoon turtle is the hippie dad riding the currents of the Gulf Stream in the movie Nemo. The character seems appropriate in personifying the giant saucer-shaped reptiles that I swam with in Hawaii.
With a snake at home, a 25-year old ball python, we used to frequent the Vivarium, an amazing reptile and amphibian store in Berkeley. We used to take the kids there when they were little. The snake is named Eve, the first lady of the house, and came with the husband. She’s a beautiful creature that lives in a dry tank. My husband takes her out for a slither now and then. The kids like to drape her over their shoulders when friends come over. One of the attractions at the Vivarium, besides the many monitors and snakes and lizards, are the turtles of all different sizes. I had thought it would be fun to have a turtle, until we were told how often they can snap at you, that they can carry disease. That wasn’t like the cartoon turtle of my imagination! Good to know. I had heard that you could keep a tortoise like a small pet dog in a backyard—as long as predators couldn’t get in. That sounded more appealing. But Eve remains the sole reptile in our house for now!
Okay. My 15 minutes is up. That didn’t really go anywhere tonight, but I met my challenge!
Photo by Wexor Tmg on Unsplash