Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
Join award-winning author and memoir/history publisher Linda Hamilton as she discusses the rise of the memoir in popular literature and how the personal memoir became something we can all create and share with those we love — AND why doing so is important!
Then we’ll get into the nuts and bolts:
Getting started with your memoir & keeping it going
Options for focus; assessing your goals
What to include and not include
Different process options for writers and non-writers
How to get your stories into book form (as well as other forms)
This tailored presentation is for anybody who’s like to share their own story, young, old and in-between or anyone who has an elderly parent or grandparent who’s story you’d love to hear and save!
Sign up here! Sponsored by the San Mateo County Libraries.
Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash