I hope you can join me for this very fun Zoom event sponsored by the San Mateo County Libraries!
Every place has a story. Knowing that story can make a hiking adventure even better!
Our trails embody incredible history here in the Bay Area. You can walk where Native Americans once brought tule boats ashore after fishing. Or where burly lumberjacks once chased escaped criminals through the redwoods. Where iconic movie scenes were filmed. Where once-thriving towns have returned to wild lands. Where hard-fought battles for land conservation were fought. Where native and non-native plants forge an ecological battle. And where fantastic ghost tales are abundant. Add adventure, intrigue and time travel to your next hike. Please join us and Linda Hamilton, author of multiple Bay Area hiking books and Camping Activity Book for Families, to hear the Tales of Bay Area Trails!
Mazzariello Labyrinth in Sibley Volcanic Regional Preserve, Oakland Hills